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Plaistow Primary School

Curriculum Maps

Our bespoke termly curriculum maps support teachers in planning high quality sequences of thematic learning in all subject areas, linked to National Curriculum objectives.

Teachers use these curriculum guides to think carefully about the learning journey pupils will take and expertly map out the creative outcomes that pupils will work towards.Teaching teams have an excellent understanding of what interests and motivates the children they teach. As such, they will plan outcomes that will create the most joy and excitement for children which will in turn positively impact progress, confidence and a desire to learn more.

Here is an example of one of our termly curriculum maps:

year 5 curriculum map mythologica.pdf

English (Reading and Writing) is informed by termly curriculum themes.

Some curriculum areas (Foundation Subjects) are taught discretely. These subjects are Religious Education, Modern Foreign Languages, PSHE, and Physical Education

Where possible, Music, Performing Arts and Computing are linked to the termly theme. However, links are never tenuous and sometimes these subjects are taught discretely. We believe that subject integrity should be maintained at all times. 

KS1 and KS2 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term Curriculum Maps