Our Diverse Curriculum
We are incredibly proud of our curriculum at Plaistow. We provide high-quality, practical opportunities to explore diversity and racial issues in a meaningful way.
Incorporating diversity and teaching our children about equality is not tokenistic or an add-on at Plaistow - it is deeply embedded in our curriculum offer.
As a school, we openly explore and discuss issues of racism and inequality. We take an anti-racist stance, whereby we actively oppose racism and promote racial tolerance. We recognise, value and celebrate difference in its many forms, and ensure that our curriculum reflects this. We ensure that the teaching anti-discrimination is a prominent focus of our curriculum.
We choose theme texts, whose authors, illustrators and characters represent our diverse and multicultural community. We want our children to feel empowered when they see themselves positively represented in books and on their wider learning journey.
We have used the CLPE's Reflecting Realities: Survey of Ethnic Representation within UK Children's Literature to inform our thinking.
CLPE Reflecting Realities 2021
CLPE Reflecting Realities 2022
CLPE Reflecting Realities 2023