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Plaistow Primary School



Plaistow Children's Centre

Welcome to the Plaistow Neighbourhood Children's Centre

We believe every child and family deserves the best start in life regardless of background, learning difficulty, disability or gender.

We run exciting and stimulating services for 49 weeks of the year, offering a wide range of activities that support children from pre-birth to five years old, their parents and carers as well as childminders.

We pride ourselves on delivering excellence for all children within the Foundation Years (birth to five years old). Our staff and volunteers aim to help children experience the best possible start in life enabling them to achieve their full potential.

We make it our priority to get to know each child and family. We plan and deliver activities that are not only developmentally appropriate but are also joyful, creative and aspirational for both children and their families.


  • Visit our Children's Centre or give us a ring on 020 8548 5620 to find out more about the support and sessions we offer.

Activity Calendar January to March 2025Best Start in Life Guarantee

family hub central july sept 2024 online.pdf

The Best Start in Life Guarantee

The Best Start in life Guarantee (BSiL) covers 5 key areas. To ensure we support you in accessing these areas tailored to your specific needs:

  • Ensure children who are entitled to free 15 hours free child care are gaining the help and support needed to secure a nursery placement.
  • Deliver regular stay and play sessions each week. These sessions will be planned and evaluated to ensure the Early Years Foundation Stage framework is adhered to giving children a better opportunity to reach their full potential. 2
  • Provide programmes, workshops and sessions offering evidence based advice and guidance to improve parenting capacity.
  • Offer regular employment/ training advice, practical support and workshops.
  • Make available family health and development sessions which include, antenatal support, the transition to parenthood; the early weeks of life; perinatal wellbeing; breastfeeding initiation; healthy weight and nutrition; managing minor ailments and reducing accidents; and supporting speech and language development.

Family Support

We have skilled staff members who can provide help and advice to issues which may be concerning to you as a family and may be a barrier in accessing services.

We can provide advice around services such as housing and benefits, training and employment signposting and support, community participation, health advice and access support, parenting support and signposting and much more tailored aspects of support dependent on your individual circumstances.


The safeguarding of children is always our topmost priority.

If you are concerned about a child or family, please ring the Children's Centre on 0208 548 5620.


If the school is closed and you are concerned about a child or family, contact the Newham MASH team on 0203 373 4600.


If you need support and guidance regarding domestic abuse please contact the Newham Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Service on 0808 196 1482

If you or your child are in immediate danger call 999. 

Support Organisations

Scope The disability equality charity in England and Wales. Providing practical information and emotional support when it's most needed, and campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society

Action for Children Protect and support children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard, and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives. 

Family Support Referral Providing early help and family support for families with young children

Newham Council Covid-19 Support Services for Newham residents.

Hestia Supporting adults and children in times of crisis, delivering services across London. Contact number is 020 7517 1420

Newham Workplace Helping Newham residents get into work, regardless of level of experience. Providing support and advice. 

Newham Money Works Support for Newham residents who may be struggling with debt or the cost of everyday living.

Mind Mental health support for the whole family

NHS Volunteer Responders  NHS Volunteer Responders is a scheme set up by the NHS and Royal Voluntary Service to provide much needed support to individuals isolating and staying at home. If you, or someone you know, or someone you care about would like to register for support from volunteers please phone or visit the website. 

The Magpie Project Supporting mums and under fives in temporary accommodation in Newham.