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Plaistow Primary School

SEND and Inclusion

We are an ambitious, outward-looking school. We work hard to ensure our children have creative and enriching learning experiences through a high quality of teaching and learning. Our aim at Plaistow is to include all children in every aspect of school life, regardless of any learning difficulties or physical disabilities they may have.

We have children with a range of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) attending our school. We provide for these pupils through in-class support, specialised programmes or additional resources. We are a friendly, caring school community with a wealth of expertise in supporting children with additional needs.

Our aim is for all children to achieve the very best they can in all aspects of learning and to develop the skills and qualities they need in order to meet their future outcomes and goals. We view every child as having something unique to offer. We have high expectations of all our pupils, including those with special educational needs, and all pupils are valued and included in every aspect of school life.

We are incredibly proud to be an Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence. You can read the report here.

Provision is overseen by our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) Priya Pankhania-Robinson. 


Accessibility Plan - Plaistow Primary School

SEND and Inclusion Policy - Plaistow Primary School

SEND Information Report - Plaistow Primary School

 You can find out more about how the London Borough of Newham supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities here:

Newham Local Offer


We follow London Borough of Newham's admission procedures for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

In the case of the admissions of a known pupil with special educational needs or disabilities, we will:

  • arrange additional visits by the pupil, parents/carers and support staff if appropriate
  • offer a staggered admission where appropriate
  • liaise closely with the pupil's previous school and/or additionally involved - agencies
  • refer to previous records and and listen to parental concerns