Religion and Worldviews
At Plaistow Primary School we believe that study of religious and non-religious worldviews is a core component of a rounded academic education. We want our pupils to respect and celebrate different identities of our school and the local community.
Through learning about others, our pupils to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion. We follow the advice of the non-statutory national framework that secular philosophies and worldviews should be part of the scope of Religious Education programmes. Our children are therefore able to develop an understanding of world religions and religions important to the people in their local communities: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism, whilst acknowledging that others have different non-religious worldviews, such as Humanists, and some people may choose not to belong to a religion at all.
Our curriculum is designed to encourage joy, creativity and aspiration. We follow Newham's Agreed Syllabus (2021), carefully mapped out and written by Newham Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) in consultation with teachers, religious (and non-religious) leaders, school governors, politicians and pupils. This question-led approach is open and objective; it does not seek to impose religious beliefs on young people, nor compromise the integrity of their own religious position when looking at different traditions. It endeavours to promote a positive attitude towards others, respecting their right to hold different beliefs.
The children at Plaistow develop their skills starting from knowledge and recall to application and analysis. This allows pupils to reflect on ‘big questions’. Religion and Worldviews is celebrated across the school through special assemblies, guest speakers and visits to different places of worship. At Plaistow we value out-of-class learning experiences and ensure each year group visits two places of worship each year. This gives pupils the opportunity to ask questions, speak with different religious leaders and members of the community.
Religion and Worldviews - Curriculum Map
Collective worship at Plaistow is a time when the whole school, or groups within our school meet together in order to consider and reflect on common concerns, issues and interests. It offers all pupils an opportunity to worship or reflect through engaging in relevant, meaningful experiences and provides opportunities for their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
Collective worship is embedded as part of our school life through daily assemblies. Assemblies provide a time when children come together to celebrate, reflect and learn from experiences of religion, world events, music and celebrations which in turn helps to promote their cultural capital.
During these assemblies pupils are encouraged to engage by sharing their views and opinions. They finish by offering pupils the opportunity to sit quietly in order to reflect on what has been shared and discussed.
Collective Worship Statement - Plaistow Primary School