Welcome from the Head Teacher
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Plaistow Primary School and Children’s Centre. We are a collaborative, dynamic and unique Local Authority school filled with laughter, friendship and high expectations for all.
Our school curriculum drivers are: joy, creativity and aspiration. These values underpin the curriculum, inform our decision making, and guide the way we interact with one another.
Reading and a love of books inspires what we do at Plaistow. We have filled our school with and built our curriculum around books which are inclusive and diverse. They help our children explore a world they can love, challenge, change and protect.
I hope that our website gives you a window into our happy and continuously improving learning community. Any one of our team would welcome the opportunity to show you around Plaistow or answer any questions you may have.
Dean Benoit, Head Teacher
At Plaistow Primary School our children experience joy on their own unique learning journey in order for them to become creative, aspirational lifelong learners.