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Plaistow Primary School


At Plaistow Primary our entire curriculum is centred around high quality texts and joyous reading experiences for our children. English runs through everything we do and it is a real passion of the school and its leadership.


At Plaistow Primary we teach writing every day in dedicated English lessons. Our grammar teaching is usually embedded into our English teaching, rather than stand-alone lessons. However, we encourage writing in all areas of the curriculum. 

Our writing process always begins with a high quality text, and takes inspiration from Pie Corbett's engaging Talk for Writing approach, with an additional focus on the importance of drafting, editing, re-drafting and publishing work. We encourage children to try to spot their own errors and children often improve their work with the help of a friend. We ask children to consider themselves as authors, and make links with associated skills in reading lessons.

In our classrooms you will spot a working wall which shows how we are progressing with our unit of work. It will follow our writing process - starting with the key texts we are studying, and ending with examples of the publishing process.


At Plaistow Primary, we teach spelling once a week in Key Stage Two and in Key Stage One it is embedded in our phonics sessions. We teach spelling patterns – instead of simply giving lists of words for children to memorise at home. When we mark work, we check for children correctly using the patterns they have been taught. 

In writing lessons, children are encouraged to find their spelling mistakes independently (or with a peer) and to independently correct them (using the classroom environment and dictionaries). In Key Stage Two, particularly in Year Three, we teach children how to use a dictionary. This is important to ensure our children can correct spellings independently.

Plaistow Primary School Progression in Writing