Personal Development
At Plaistow we see the personal development of our pupils as an integral part of curriculum offer.
We aim to support our children in becoming well-rounded young people who have the confidence, resilience and knowledge to keep themselves safe, healthy and well. Our children learn how to become responsible, respectful and active members of society, thinking critically about the decisions they make.
We offer a range of opportunities which develop, encourage and enrich our pupils' talents and interests, as well as inspiring and sparking their interest to experience new things. For example:
- our exciting performing arts curriculum and opportunities for extra-curricular drama, dance and music clubs and activities led by our in-house specialist teacher
- an excellent PE curriculum and extra-curricular activities which exposes pupils to a range of different sports and competitions
- opportunities for learning from and in our well equipped outdoor spaces
- a wide range of other extra-curricular experiences
Plaistow’s PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum (which includes RSHE) provides a range of opportunities for children to develop socially and emotionally, as well as acquiring the techniques needed to understand and support pupils’ overall well-being.
We aim to guide children through their social and academic journey from childhood to adolescence by encouraging an awareness of pupils’ personal responsibilities as well as those of others. Through this, we endeavour to develop children's confidence, social awareness, resilience, and creative thinking.
Following Guidance from the PSHE Association, the National Curriculum and statutory requirements for the teaching of Relationships and Health Education, we have tailored a bespoke PSHE curriculum to suit the needs of our pupils, school and community.
The aims of PSHE and RSHE at Plaistow Primary School are to:
- prepare pupils for their responsibilities and experiences in later life
- encourage pupils to value themselves and others
- allow pupils to acknowledge and celebrate differences and diversity
- teach pupils to understand what constitutes a safe and healthy lifestyle
- provide pupils with a toolkit to manage and understand their emotions
- provide the tools to help support mental health and wellbeing
- help pupils in identifying healthy relationships, as well as give them the strategies to form and maintain relationships
- teach pupils how to stay safe online and acknowledge how the media can have an impact on well-being
- prepare pupils for puberty and give them the understanding of the importance of health and hygiene
- help pupils to develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
Relationships, Sex and Health Ed Policy - Plaistow Primary School
Well-Being Policy - Plaistow Primary School