Keeping Safe Online
Our pupils are growing up in a world of ever-changing technology. While we feel that the use of technology is a largely positive aspect of modern life, we cannot ignore the risks that can be associated.
If you have experienced online sexual abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know, you can report it to the police safely and securely by clicking here.
If you are concerned about a child, please ring the school on 0208 548 5620.
If the school is closed and you are concerned about a child, contact the Newham MASH team on 0203 373 4600.
If you need support and guidance regarding domestic abuse please contact the Newham Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Service on 0808 196 1482.
If you or your child are in immediate danger call 999.
Throughout the school we teach our children:
- about the impact of cyber-bullying and what to do if they have been affected.
- to be vigilant when communicating online recognising that people may not always be who they say they are and to be sensible about what they share.
- to tell an adult they trust if something is upsetting them.
- to question the reliability of information given through a web based source.
- to search responsibly for information while using internet browsers.
Below are a list of useful websites, advice and resources that you may find helpful when navigating the issue of online safety with your child:
- Thinkuknow
- Internet Matters
- National Online Safety
- Childnet
- SafetoNet
10 tips to keep children safe online.pdf
Social Media Guide for Parents
The number of apps and social media channels your child could be exposed to grow all the time, as does an app's functionality. Click on the icons below to find more about some of the most popular.
Group Chats
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