School Day and Attendance
The school gates open each morning at 8:45am and children are invited to come in at that time to read in their classrooms.
Reading is extremely important to us at Plaistow and early morning reading is a great time for children to change over their home reading book, talk to their teacher about new book selections and read for pleasure independently. This is also great way to start the day calmly and get our brains ready to learn!
Children are expected to be in their classroom by 9:00am at the very latest.
EYFS Lunchtime: 11:30am
KS1 Lunchtime: 11:55am
KS2 Lunchtime: 12:40pm
School finishes at 3:30pm with the gates opening from 3:30pm.
This equates to 32.5 hours of learning time per week.
Pupils must be collected by an authorised adult.
Pupils in Year 6 children may go home unaccompanied. This will require written permission from parents. However, this does not mean that they are allowed to collect younger siblings alone.
It is important that parents keep the school informed about who is collecting children. If you arrange for another adult or parent to collect your child you must let your child's teacher or the office know.
n attendance guidance for the school community.pdf
At Plaistow we want every child to gain the most from their education and coming to school every day, on time, is an important part of children reaching their full potential.
Being late, even a few times a week, disrupts the rest of the class and can seriously effect your child's learning.
Being late and missing 10 minutes of school each day equates to missing 1.5 weeks over the course of the school year.
The school target for all children is 96% so we want all our children to come to school regularly and are only absent if they are ill.
If your child is unwell please ring the school office on 0208 548 5620.
If your child is absent due to ill health for three days or longer you will need to provide the school with some form of medical evidence (either a doctor's note or a copy of a prescription).
All children have an entitlement to an education, and a few days off school here and there can really add up:
Parents should try their best to make any appointments outside of school time. However, if this is unavoidable you will need to show the school office proof of the appointment (email/ text confirmation, letter from doctor's surgery, etc).
Holidays During Term Time
The school will not authorise any holidays during term time except in exceptional circumstances. Dean can give more information to families regarding absences during term time.